Do not waste another moment feeling self conscious about your yellowing teeth, or suffering from the discomfort of chipped or missing teeth. Advances in cosmetic dentistry technology have made achieving your healthiest most natural looking smile more attainable than ever .
Compassionate and dedicated to high quality, comprehensive dental care, Dr. Mojgan Mazhari offers her Northern Virginia patients over 15 years of expertise in cosmetic, restorative and general dentistry. The benefits of cosmetic dentistry received by Dr. Mazhari go well beyond aesthetics. Cosmetic dentistry creates a lifelong viable, healthy and confident smile.
Northern Virginia Cosmetic Dentistry
Build A Healthy Foundation
A healthy dental foundation builds beautiful smiles. Dr. Mazhari will always look to choose the most conservative treatment option for any of your oral health needs. A personalized, regular oral hygiene routine is encouraged- as well as regular preventive dentist appointments. Brushing and flossing are the first steps in building a healthy mouth foundation.
Rooted in the belief that good oral health promotes positive overall and mental health, Dr. Mazhari offers treatments for your underlying oral health concerns. Cosmetic dentistry should not be a “band aid” or “quick-fix.” It is essential for your long lasting dental health that any serious oral health conditions are addressed and properly treated.
Many cosmetic dentistry procedures correlate with treatments for oral health conditions. Invisalign can correct faulty bites that may cause headaches or TMJ. Dental crowns can replace missing teeth that could have potentially led to infection. Cosmetic dentistry builds a foundation for a confident life that promotes your optimal overall health.
Repair Damage
Cracked, chipped, or missing teeth often progress into serious dental health concerns in addition to creating those unsightly cosmetic concerns. Broken teeth can cause sensitivity making it difficult to eat or drink. Missing teeth often impede your speech and can negatively affect your confidence and passion for life. Fixing your damaged or crooked teeth is not all vanity- it can promote lifelong oral health.
With advances in modern dental technology, drastic improvements have been made to the materials and tools used to create bondings, crowns and veneers. Dr. Mazhari is trained and skilled in all of the industry’s latest technology, offering you cosmetic restorative dentistry that when properly cared for, can last for years, or even your lifetime.
Boost Confidence
Enhancing your level of confidence in your appearance can enhance your outlook on life. Healthy, rejuvenated smiles can help you appear younger and promote better health throughout your later adult life. A bright smile you feel proud to show off can be cause for more smiling. Statistics show that people who smile more, live longer, and lead fuller, happier lives. Cosmetic dentistry is deeper than surface good looks.
Alexandria Cosmetic Dentistry Services
Dr. Mazhari offers a full list of cosmetic dental services that will assist you in achieving the healthy and aesthetic smile of your dreams. During a comprehensive consultation, Dr. Mazhari will work with you to build an advanced cosmetic treatment plan that fits your cosmetic goals, budget and treats your underlying dental health issues.
Dr. Mazhari may recommend multiple cosmetic treatments to achieve your healthiest and brightest smile. To find out what advanced cosmetic dental treatments will enhance the quality of your smile, contact Alexandria Dental Health & Smile Studio or make a convenient online appointment.