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Comprehensive Dentistry

Is Snoring Always a Sign of Sleep Apnea?
Snoring is a very common condition that people may experience when they sleep. Snoring can also be a sign of sleep apnea, which can lead to severe health risks if […] Continue Reading

Is an Electric Toothbrush More Effective?
When it comes to brushing your teeth, people have the choice between using a regular toothbrush and an electric one. With a regular toothbrush, your movement of the brush removes plaque […] Continue Reading

What Can Be Done to Treat an Uneven Gumline?
An uneven gumline can affect the appearance of the teeth even if the teeth themselves are straight and even. Having an irregular gumline can make some teeth look too small or too large depending on the […] Continue Reading

Are Children Susceptible to Gum Disease?
Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is a common condition in which plaque builds up on the teeth and can cause the gum tissue to become inflamed. As gum disease progresses, an active infection […] Continue Reading

Can Menopause Impact Dental Health?
Menopause is the start of hormone changes that end a woman’s menstrual cycle and her fertility. Menopause can begin as early as the 40s, although the specific age that menopause happens will […] Continue Reading

How Do I Know if I Have TMJ? What Are the Signs?
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders are any disorders that encompass the complex joint in your body that connects your upper jaw to your lower jaw. Although necessary, the TMJ has the potential to cause […] Continue Reading

For Patients Looking for an Alternative to their CPAP for Their Sleep Apnea
Below is a quote that represents the thinking of many patients who come to us looking for a better treatment options for their sleep apena, or OSA. Is this something […] Continue Reading

Which Foods and Habits Increase Plaque Buildup?
Plaque is a substance that’s constantly forming in our mouths. It results from our oral bacteria feeding on what we eat—and plaque is a waste product of that process. Plaque can […] Continue Reading

Foods That Are Harmful To Your Teeth: Holiday Edition
The holidays are sugary sweet — in holiday cheer and in the treats that encircle the home, office, and practically everywhere you turn! The holidays are a real life CandyLand, […] Continue Reading

Periodontist Tips for Healthier Gums
In our previous blog, we discussed the importance of healthy gums. From preventing cardiovascular disease and diabetes to overall tooth health, having healthy gums is one of the most important things […] Continue Reading